Once upon a time I could become a stressed out, complaining, overwhelmed, mombie (a cross between a mom and a zombie). Okay, so I know I'm not the cleanest most organized person in the world. But it DOES drive me crazy when the house isn't clean. It drives me crazy even more when the house isn't clean and I feel like I don't have the time to clean it and do the things that I want to do during nap time. Well that sounded bratty. But COME ON moms. I know you feel me here! It feels so good to be able to have the house clean and not feel guilty about...writing a blog post about your cleaning list. ;)
So every now and then I would get tired of my crazy cleaning routine made up by me (which usually consisted of my being somewhat lazy about it until the day I would explode and go all mommy/maid/monster on the house and be exhausted at the end of the day after doing 875928362 loads of laundry and sweeping, vacuuming and mopping in one day) and I would find and attempt to follow someone's beautifully organized and detailed, very detailed, cleaning list. I think I spent more time trying to print it out and customize it to my house than I did actually putting it to practical use.
My husband got tired of hiking over Mt. Clean Unfolded Laundry in our room (what's his problem...) so he took action. Now before you go judging me on my cleaning skills ;) you have to remember that this was during the time I was either pregnant and running around after a one year old or running around with a newborn and a toddler. So I WAS in fact cleaning. And very busy. And very overwhelmed.
Justin sat down and created this list that I have available for you:
(If you have problems downloading it, just message me and I can either figure out the problem or email it to you. This is my first time embedding a link like this in a blog post)
Ever since this little simple list, I have felt freer! So you have to understand that I don't get everything done every week. Because, you know...life. But over all I do, and it works for me. I hope it works for you! You can customize it to your house and household needs. Like, Justin works at Chick-fil-A so washing his uniform is a MUST. And not everyone has stairs. And two bathrooms. So maybe this won't help you at all. I still wanted to throw it out there for anyone who wants to try it! We have trash day on Friday morning, so we collect the trash in our house on Thursday.
The things I really like about this list is the laundry schedule (it's more fun with a laundry buddy too, as pictured). Some days I don't even have any thing to wash because everything is done. I also like the fact that it's just one major thing each day. One bathroom one day, another bathroom the other day, sweeping on one day, vacuuming on another, and mopping every month.
You're probably wondering about the kitchen. The dishes and cleaning the counters/tables are cleaned every day (multiple times a day) so we didn't even bother putting it on there. Feel free to add it to yours!
I slide my list into a clear page cover and use a dry erase marker to check things off and write dates. It goes on the side of my fridge. Justin made fun of my pitiful looking checkmarks. So, sorry about that. ;)
I'm thinking about adding "meal planning" to the list on either Sunday or Monday.
I hope this list helps you out! I know different things work for different people. I still wanted to get this out to anyone who might love it like I do!
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