The "No Phone" Life

During the long almost month I was without a phone, I took some shots of my baby in the tub with the good camera instead of my phone camera.
I left my Iphone somewhere in town aaaand it got stolen. With no way of being able to get it back and with Cspire being out of stock in the Iphone 6, I had to wait.
Living without a phone or with a borrowed phone that you're not used to was difficult! But I am thankful for that time. It was eye opening to the reality of how much I rely on my phone to communicate and get information.  I freaked out a couple of times at things that would have been no big deal if I had a way to communicate with people!

 However, I also realized how much time is spent on a phone and how many things can get done without one!  And "fine" I was without being on social media or getting to check it every day.
I love the communities that the internet brings together, the people I have met and that I can keep up with friends + family.  But I was satisfied and happy every day even though I didn't see how many people had liked my post.  Even though I wasn't aware of what people made/ate/wore that day.
My eyes were on this little fella more since I didn't have a phone to distract my attention.  The days of just daddy, mommy and Kyler are getting breathed in deep. The days of two little boys laughing and wrestling are coming closer and I'm seriously looking forward to it!  
I've watched Kyler grow from a helpless, tiny baby to becoming a feisty, big hearted, sweet, energetic 17 month old toddler. One who I'm sure will be clingy and jealous when Elijah gets here because he tends to love fiercely.  Because of that, I am positive that Baby E (after gotten used to) will be getting lots of hugs, kisses and love hits pats ;)
 Motherhood has taught what it means to really concentrate on the simple things of life.  It's shown me that it's sometimes hard to do but when done, peace and a genuine smile (and sometimes a goofy grin) take over your face and mind.  Resting in Jesus and thanking Him for the little things in life brings contentment and true joy.

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